1. Google's vision of the future

This editorial critiques Google and the monopoly they have created, they make us feel like it's progress and ask everything about your life and people simply goes along with it. Right now they know EVERYTHING about everyones life just at the click of a button, from your work to your health and finances, literally EVERYTHING about you. The problem the author is presenting is that, if they know all of this right now imagine what they will know or do twenty years from now; and the bigger problem is that we  provide them with all types of information without questioning it. The author stablish that we just go along and as everyone joins this movement of being complacent, Google's power grows and "getting corrupted by power is so American", but then again it's not like you a have a choice cause that's the "future" and you don't want to be left behind. Right now we are "technology based" in everything we do... it's what we call progress! In other words... it says that "progress" and technology can/will destroy us, and we will not be able to control it because the only ones that will can are the ones we gave the power to do so.

Editorials I found:
1. Texas Women and Abortion Rights 
2. The shame of American Health Care
3. Sentenced to a Slow Death
4. Abrir rutas a la autosuficiencia

The editorial that I liked the most was "Sentenced to a Slow Death" from The New York Times. I liked this one because I'm really interested in the topic, I have always had a very strong opinion on it and this editorial gives facts, statistics and makes you reflect on the situation towards the end. Also, the person who wrote this editorial has my same opinion on the topic, which was a bonus and very nice to read.
"Sentenced to a Slow Death" basically talks about the punitive approach the United States has implemented in the Justice Department, a punitive approach that's very excessive, impulsing a growth in the inmate population. Prisoners serving sentences of life without parole for selling as little as $10 of marihuana to a police officer, taking LSD at a rave, shoplifting or trying to cash a stolen check. Basically a judge has no power to give a more appropriate sentence because of a mandatory-minimun statute. The author is critiquing this approach as its "ridiculous" and gives additional information of what it is being done to try and work with the problem and some solutions.
I believe the author is well informed as he signaled the problem, gave facts, statistics and solutions, he even quoted Burl Cain, warden of the Louisiana State Penitentiary. My favorite parts were, and I quote: 
"If this person can go back and be a productive citizen and not commit crimes again,” he asked, why spend the money to keep him in prison? “I need to keep predators in these big old prisons, not dying old men.” and "Just one-fifth of all countries allow a sentence of life without parole, and most of those reserve it for murder or repeated violent crimes. If the United States is to call itself a civilized nation, it must end this cruel and ineffective practice."
The type of language that's being used is informative and persuasive. I believe the author is very passionate or at least he has strong opinions towards it, I know I do. 

-slow people on the street (I'm from Bayamón that explains it all)
-screaming little kids
-mothers who hits their kid for NO reason at all, put a leash on them or when they take them by the arm really hard. (Bad parenting)
-cruel people
-women who forgive their man when he hits her
-when people don't do their jobs
-Miami Heat fans
-when the neighboor puts loud reggeaton
-grammar killers 
-when people treat bad other people in front of me.

-when interrupted in the middle of something important, or once I put on my headphones people suddenly decides to talk to me
-the train
-needy people
-people that visit and don't call beforehand
-people that judge what you do and they do worst things!
- when people think they know more about your own life than yourself
-being asked the same stuff over and over again
-when you are nice to someone and they think you are flirting with them
- shrill voices
-anxious and stressed people

I divided all of these things in two categories: social and personal. The social one is because literally all of the things are social, it's like  everything I see in society that I dislike and hate. They have everything in common as they are actions or more like a trend now-a-days and we see these everywhere. If I have to choose from my social list the things that are most annoying, I would have to go with: Bad parenting, women who forgive their man when he hits her, and "cacos". These aren't related personally to me because I have good parents, and no "cacos" in my family, but these things really piss me off because I see it as if something failed and some learned behavior too. Surely the education failed and the show of unconditional love; if you are not educated or shown love throughout your life, and this conduct is what you see everyday, chances are you will end up being part of this group of things that pisses me off! Surprisingly this pisses me off even more as it's not really their fault, but fault of the influences in their lives.
The personal list is more home to me as they are things that affect ME personally, most people call me a "bitch" but all I really want is to be left alone, I'm doing my own thing and when people come with their shit into my life it just pisses me off. I'm the most relaxed person I know, very patient and I mind my own business; you would think that because of this nothing would bother me, but actually a lot of things do. I just try to be the bigger person and IGNORE the things that won't help me grow as a human being. 
I once had a professor that told me: "The more I get to know people, the more I like my dog"; and it was really sad the first time I heard this, but now I simply HAVE to agree with him sometimes. 
On November 4, 2013 I watched the documentary: "Mickey Mouse Monopoly" and I was astonished by some of the things I saw in there... 
Before watching the documentary I can say that I loved Disney and after watching it...well, I still LOVE Disney. It's not something so easy to "hate" or question, after all this is my childhood! I have gone to Disney world two times in my life, the first one I was like 7 years old and just big enough to get on the "moving cups". The second time I was big and got on every ride, first row if I could! Everything is beautiful and you think you are big but when you go to Magic Kingdom you just become a little girl AGAIN! I was like 15 years old and I got excited when I saw the Mickey Mouse/ Minnie Mouse house again, and when I saw the princesses I thought I was going to die from emotion! I mean, hello, I am 15 years old and I'm excited about "un-real" animals and princesses...but it's not something I could control, it is my childhood memories. 
My initial reaction after watching the documentary was like: "jum, they really don't have any hispanics in their movies but the dog, interesting". That was literally the first thing I thought after finishing it, after that I was just astonished by all of the media Disney controls and it made me think, "what is their goal? To make more money or to literally control what people see/think". I learned that not everything is as it seems and that there are some things that are subliminal in the movies. I would not approach this topic on the future, this was knowledge for me but that's it, there's nothing that will make me change my thinking towards Disney. Maybe it is all commercial and they are telling little girls to be princesses and to show love to their "violent man" and that will change him, and when you look at it from that point of view it's sick to be showing that to children BUT I think life has a way of showing you (early in life) that fairy tales don't exist...so' why take away something that's like "an escape" from real life when real life will always rule over the fairy tale? Wether those movies are prejudicial  for children or not it depends on the education and valors that child is thought by its parents.

When asked about songs I like and the ones I don't... I simply visit my iTunes, this is like my baby! I'm always on my computer, either studying or writing some post on my blog, and I just listen to my music all day. It was very hard for me to decide what song I liked "the most" because I love everything on my iTunes, I mean...there's a reason I took the trouble of downloading it in the first place! But here it goes... one song I REALLY like is: Ideas Nuevas by Cultura Profética. I mean, come on, you can never go wrong with them! I simply love this song because, first of all it's my kind of vibe...I'm laid back, chilling and I try to live as "relax" as I can. Also the lyrics of this song are just powerful, it tells you that you can change your beliefs toward something you thought true, that not everything you hear or see is real, that not everything we are taught makes us grow, that we can live free in our own house, it invites us to think and contribute what we feel, to get new ideas (your OWN ideas) because habit/routine imprisons us, and the only way to fight the government is trough thinking, doubting and acting. I love it by the mere fact that invites us to think and create our own beliefs, to be different from the mass that believes all and gets played.

I talked about the song I loved, now it's time for the one I don't/ won't love ever... "Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. I'll start by admitting it has something addictive, but the lyrics are just plain stupid. I know every song is not meant to be deep but this is just:

"Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe!"
 That's all there's to it! Nothing else, It's horrible... 

I think that with my likes and dislikes people should be able to know the kind of music I go for... I love reggae music, music that is deep and makes me think and analyze my life and this world we live on. I like soul music, and I even like rap haha ironic, uh? I know but those are my likes and there's nothing I can do about it. I usually like music by its beat... if it's good I'll listen, then analyze the lyrics and decide wether I like it or not. 
Loving words:    

Neutral words:
anger, stress, judgment:
-never around
-not easy

Unsurprisingly the column with more words is the one of anger, stress and judgment. This is because my life has been difficult and it's just hard to forget it, I know I should focus on the good on my life but the sad moments always triumph over the good ones because no matter how happy you are these sad moments have a way of being really bad, so' that you won't forget them I guess. I have never done this exercise before, it makes me feel like I'm reflecting on my life but most of all it makes me feel sad because when someone tells you to describe your life you can't just say the happy parts, it's like an obligation to remember things you don't wish to think or talk about. The only thing this revealed to me is that I wasn't over some things in my life that I thought I was, and other things that I thought I was not over them yet...weren't even important when it came to describing my life. I learned that I waste to much time obssesing over some things that aren't even important to me when it comes to describing my life, I didn't even remember them. I learned that I need to focus on the real issues in my life and that I shouldn't try to hide them because they are a part of me, whether I like it or not.    
Don't worry!

The reviews I liked were the ones from "The Conjuring"" and ""Runner Runner".
I liked the one from "The conjuring" because it's very detailed, from the objects that were significant in the movie to the persons that came to help the family, he even put quotes! He didn't miss anything and I think I could watch that movie, and I'm not a fan of scary movies but he puts it in the perspective of the message it delivers. Also he tells everything you are gonna see, from blood vomiting to a possesion, but he says it like something normal; so' when I'm watching it I can just think...well I knew it was going to happen and it's just a movie. 

The one from "Runner Runner" was less specific, it more like a summary and his opinion, he makes it very clear that he didn't liked it and just said it was nothing different, new, special from other things we all have watched. I really don't like Ben Affleck's acting so' I was not planning on watching it, but after reading this review, I can say without any doubt that I'm not going to see this movie.

Wow! This post is a little difficult for me because I used to be such a movie freak. I would buy DVD's all weeks and go to Blockbusters all the time, but that was a long time ago. Suddenly university and new priorities kicked in, so right now I don't watch a lot of movies because I don't have the time for it and if I do find time I get lost in series, what can I say... I'm addicted! Still I'm going to try to review some movies...

The most recent movies I have watched are "Now you see me" and "The big wedding". From this I think you can know at least one thing about me: I don't have time to go to the teather! These two movies, I watched from the comfort of my home, bed and on my time...as every single movie I have watched in over a year.

"Now you see me" directed by Louis Leterrier. Ok I'll admit it, I didn't liked it...I loved it! Why? Is the type of movie that has you guessing every second, also I knew all the actors so you know how great they do their job. This movie is about magicians looking to make it big time and they are choosen by "someone" to make their own show, they are helped financially and they piss people off when they "rob a bank" and give the money to the spectators. They keep making great magic towards the end, even when the police keeps going after them.  It's this kind of movie that's a "mindfuck" and you ask yourself in the end, what did I miss?! Also is the kind of movie that is so well executioned that it even makes you want to be a magician (really!). Those are the types of movies I like, because you think you know it all when you really don't know anything; I find this very refreshing, like exercise to the mind. It's a 5/5 stars in my book and you really should see it!

The other recent movie I watched is "The big wedding" directed by Justin Zackham. This movie has a very nice cast: Robert de Niro, Diane Keaton, Amanda Seyfried, Susan Sarandon...and many more. So what's not to like?! Katherine Heigl, that's what!! I really don't like this woman's acting! Anyways that is not the only reason why anyone should never see this movie...  it's just more of the same. The daughter (Seyfried) is getting married and divorced parents (De Niro and Keaton) have to fake being married because the groom's mother is a devoted Catholic; in the end they end up having sex and then feel guilty about it, De Niro proposes to his current girlfriend (Sarandon) the one he was unfaithful to! She accepts and they become one big happy family. I mean, come on! It's simply unoriginal and stupid to even make a movie like this. I really think I lost my time watching this because I was expecting something else and ended up seeing something I have viewed over a million times. 

When your sister is married for little more than a year, people or more specific our grandparents start asking when the babies will come. I guess as they get older they want to experience every important moment in our lives; I too was asking and making jokes about babies, you know, who doesn't like babies?! After all mine will not come for a long time... So when everybody is asking and joking, my sister came with the news that she was pregnant. I remember I was the first person she told (after her husband, of course!) and my heart just stopped, I was so excited! I already had a nephew, my brothers son, but he lives in Florida and it's not the same as seeing him every day, week, etc. After 9 months, one February 4, 2013 my nephew decided to come out. I remember expending hours in the waiting room, till the doctor came out and told us everything was ok. After that they opened the curtains of the nursery and there was my beautiful nephew, covered in blood, very small, with lots of black hair, crying; when I saw him my heart melted, I got the chills and even started sweating. After that they took my sister to her room and her husband, my mom and me waited with her; after a while they brought my nephew... all washed and clean. Every single one of us looked at him in awe, how someone so little can be so beautiful? We all saw him, and after a while it was my turn to take him in my arms... I was so scared that I had to sit down because I was afraid he might fall, after all he was pretty small. So there I am sitting, shaking because of the cold with him on my arms; when he opens his eyes and looks at me, and everything else in life became unimportant for a second and my eyes decided to fill themselves with tears. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life, seeing something so pure, so innocent and I just prayed to God for his well being and happiness. Right now he is 8 months and he is such a happy baby, every time I see him my heart still melts!