The reviews I liked were the ones from "The Conjuring"" and ""Runner Runner".
I liked the one from "The conjuring" because it's very detailed, from the objects that were significant in the movie to the persons that came to help the family, he even put quotes! He didn't miss anything and I think I could watch that movie, and I'm not a fan of scary movies but he puts it in the perspective of the message it delivers. Also he tells everything you are gonna see, from blood vomiting to a possesion, but he says it like something normal; so' when I'm watching it I can just think...well I knew it was going to happen and it's just a movie. 

The one from "Runner Runner" was less specific, it more like a summary and his opinion, he makes it very clear that he didn't liked it and just said it was nothing different, new, special from other things we all have watched. I really don't like Ben Affleck's acting so' I was not planning on watching it, but after reading this review, I can say without any doubt that I'm not going to see this movie.

Frances Adorno
10/27/2013 07:37:41 am

I liked the review from The Conjuring too, and the other one I found it was just a summary, not an objective point of view.


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