When your sister is married for little more than a year, people or more specific our grandparents start asking when the babies will come. I guess as they get older they want to experience every important moment in our lives; I too was asking and making jokes about babies, you know, who doesn't like babies?! After all mine will not come for a long time... So when everybody is asking and joking, my sister came with the news that she was pregnant. I remember I was the first person she told (after her husband, of course!) and my heart just stopped, I was so excited! I already had a nephew, my brothers son, but he lives in Florida and it's not the same as seeing him every day, week, etc. After 9 months, one February 4, 2013 my nephew decided to come out. I remember expending hours in the waiting room, till the doctor came out and told us everything was ok. After that they opened the curtains of the nursery and there was my beautiful nephew, covered in blood, very small, with lots of black hair, crying; when I saw him my heart melted, I got the chills and even started sweating. After that they took my sister to her room and her husband, my mom and me waited with her; after a while they brought my nephew... all washed and clean. Every single one of us looked at him in awe, how someone so little can be so beautiful? We all saw him, and after a while it was my turn to take him in my arms... I was so scared that I had to sit down because I was afraid he might fall, after all he was pretty small. So there I am sitting, shaking because of the cold with him on my arms; when he opens his eyes and looks at me, and everything else in life became unimportant for a second and my eyes decided to fill themselves with tears. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life, seeing something so pure, so innocent and I just prayed to God for his well being and happiness. Right now he is 8 months and he is such a happy baby, every time I see him my heart still melts!

Jesse ^_^
10/24/2013 02:32:09 am

Great post!!!

Frances Adorno
10/27/2013 07:40:31 am

Nice story, I am the oldest and my sister is 16 so I doubt that any of us will be parents anytime soon. But I a anxiously waiting for any friend of mine to pop a baby out, because they say to me that nephews and nieces are the next best thing.

10/27/2013 03:27:10 pm

Great post! I wouldn't change a thing about it. Good descriptions.

10/28/2013 03:30:15 pm

Excellent post! I love it <3

10/28/2013 08:36:16 pm

It was excellent, you used all the physical details that Im waiting to my nephew to born next Year!!!

Selena Marie
10/29/2013 09:38:16 am

That is a very emotional and beautiful post. I have 7 nieces/nephews so I can relate to them being your world. I haven't had the chance to be at any of their births so I can't even begin to imagine how breath taking that moment has to be. Nice post, I honestly don't have anything bad to say about it.

10/29/2013 02:59:31 pm

Awwww what a beautiful story! i really liked this post. It was well written and very descriptive.


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