When asked about songs I like and the ones I don't... I simply visit my iTunes, this is like my baby! I'm always on my computer, either studying or writing some post on my blog, and I just listen to my music all day. It was very hard for me to decide what song I liked "the most" because I love everything on my iTunes, I mean...there's a reason I took the trouble of downloading it in the first place! But here it goes... one song I REALLY like is: Ideas Nuevas by Cultura Profética. I mean, come on, you can never go wrong with them! I simply love this song because, first of all it's my kind of vibe...I'm laid back, chilling and I try to live as "relax" as I can. Also the lyrics of this song are just powerful, it tells you that you can change your beliefs toward something you thought true, that not everything you hear or see is real, that not everything we are taught makes us grow, that we can live free in our own house, it invites us to think and contribute what we feel, to get new ideas (your OWN ideas) because habit/routine imprisons us, and the only way to fight the government is trough thinking, doubting and acting. I love it by the mere fact that invites us to think and create our own beliefs, to be different from the mass that believes all and gets played.

I talked about the song I loved, now it's time for the one I don't/ won't love ever... "Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. I'll start by admitting it has something addictive, but the lyrics are just plain stupid. I know every song is not meant to be deep but this is just:

"Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe!"
 That's all there's to it! Nothing else, It's horrible... 

I think that with my likes and dislikes people should be able to know the kind of music I go for... I love reggae music, music that is deep and makes me think and analyze my life and this world we live on. I like soul music, and I even like rap haha ironic, uh? I know but those are my likes and there's nothing I can do about it. I usually like music by its beat... if it's good I'll listen, then analyze the lyrics and decide wether I like it or not. 

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