Loving words:    

Neutral words:
anger, stress, judgment:
-never around
-not easy

Unsurprisingly the column with more words is the one of anger, stress and judgment. This is because my life has been difficult and it's just hard to forget it, I know I should focus on the good on my life but the sad moments always triumph over the good ones because no matter how happy you are these sad moments have a way of being really bad, so' that you won't forget them I guess. I have never done this exercise before, it makes me feel like I'm reflecting on my life but most of all it makes me feel sad because when someone tells you to describe your life you can't just say the happy parts, it's like an obligation to remember things you don't wish to think or talk about. The only thing this revealed to me is that I wasn't over some things in my life that I thought I was, and other things that I thought I was not over them yet...weren't even important when it came to describing my life. I learned that I waste to much time obssesing over some things that aren't even important to me when it comes to describing my life, I didn't even remember them. I learned that I need to focus on the real issues in my life and that I shouldn't try to hide them because they are a part of me, whether I like it or not.    
Don't worry!

The reviews I liked were the ones from "The Conjuring"" and ""Runner Runner".
I liked the one from "The conjuring" because it's very detailed, from the objects that were significant in the movie to the persons that came to help the family, he even put quotes! He didn't miss anything and I think I could watch that movie, and I'm not a fan of scary movies but he puts it in the perspective of the message it delivers. Also he tells everything you are gonna see, from blood vomiting to a possesion, but he says it like something normal; so' when I'm watching it I can just think...well I knew it was going to happen and it's just a movie. 

The one from "Runner Runner" was less specific, it more like a summary and his opinion, he makes it very clear that he didn't liked it and just said it was nothing different, new, special from other things we all have watched. I really don't like Ben Affleck's acting so' I was not planning on watching it, but after reading this review, I can say without any doubt that I'm not going to see this movie.

Wow! This post is a little difficult for me because I used to be such a movie freak. I would buy DVD's all weeks and go to Blockbusters all the time, but that was a long time ago. Suddenly university and new priorities kicked in, so right now I don't watch a lot of movies because I don't have the time for it and if I do find time I get lost in series, what can I say... I'm addicted! Still I'm going to try to review some movies...

The most recent movies I have watched are "Now you see me" and "The big wedding". From this I think you can know at least one thing about me: I don't have time to go to the teather! These two movies, I watched from the comfort of my home, bed and on my time...as every single movie I have watched in over a year.

"Now you see me" directed by Louis Leterrier. Ok I'll admit it, I didn't liked it...I loved it! Why? Is the type of movie that has you guessing every second, also I knew all the actors so you know how great they do their job. This movie is about magicians looking to make it big time and they are choosen by "someone" to make their own show, they are helped financially and they piss people off when they "rob a bank" and give the money to the spectators. They keep making great magic towards the end, even when the police keeps going after them.  It's this kind of movie that's a "mindfuck" and you ask yourself in the end, what did I miss?! Also is the kind of movie that is so well executioned that it even makes you want to be a magician (really!). Those are the types of movies I like, because you think you know it all when you really don't know anything; I find this very refreshing, like exercise to the mind. It's a 5/5 stars in my book and you really should see it!

The other recent movie I watched is "The big wedding" directed by Justin Zackham. This movie has a very nice cast: Robert de Niro, Diane Keaton, Amanda Seyfried, Susan Sarandon...and many more. So what's not to like?! Katherine Heigl, that's what!! I really don't like this woman's acting! Anyways that is not the only reason why anyone should never see this movie...  it's just more of the same. The daughter (Seyfried) is getting married and divorced parents (De Niro and Keaton) have to fake being married because the groom's mother is a devoted Catholic; in the end they end up having sex and then feel guilty about it, De Niro proposes to his current girlfriend (Sarandon) the one he was unfaithful to! She accepts and they become one big happy family. I mean, come on! It's simply unoriginal and stupid to even make a movie like this. I really think I lost my time watching this because I was expecting something else and ended up seeing something I have viewed over a million times. 

When your sister is married for little more than a year, people or more specific our grandparents start asking when the babies will come. I guess as they get older they want to experience every important moment in our lives; I too was asking and making jokes about babies, you know, who doesn't like babies?! After all mine will not come for a long time... So when everybody is asking and joking, my sister came with the news that she was pregnant. I remember I was the first person she told (after her husband, of course!) and my heart just stopped, I was so excited! I already had a nephew, my brothers son, but he lives in Florida and it's not the same as seeing him every day, week, etc. After 9 months, one February 4, 2013 my nephew decided to come out. I remember expending hours in the waiting room, till the doctor came out and told us everything was ok. After that they opened the curtains of the nursery and there was my beautiful nephew, covered in blood, very small, with lots of black hair, crying; when I saw him my heart melted, I got the chills and even started sweating. After that they took my sister to her room and her husband, my mom and me waited with her; after a while they brought my nephew... all washed and clean. Every single one of us looked at him in awe, how someone so little can be so beautiful? We all saw him, and after a while it was my turn to take him in my arms... I was so scared that I had to sit down because I was afraid he might fall, after all he was pretty small. So there I am sitting, shaking because of the cold with him on my arms; when he opens his eyes and looks at me, and everything else in life became unimportant for a second and my eyes decided to fill themselves with tears. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life, seeing something so pure, so innocent and I just prayed to God for his well being and happiness. Right now he is 8 months and he is such a happy baby, every time I see him my heart still melts!

 The image I choose was from SEE Florida magazine. It portrays a normal day at a beach, Palm Beach. Its very colorful and there are four umbrellas with some stripe patterns and colors from yellow to blue and green. There are like six groups of people in the beach and some others in the water, although they look blurry because of the distance the photo was taken we can still see the colorful beach chairs, towels and coolers.  From these six groups there are four in the left of a lifeguard house and two to its right. The lifeguard house is the focus point of the camera as it’s more close to it and the water its in the background. The lifeguard house is white with a very interesting form like part of a yacht; I make this association because the doors with black crystals certainly make you think in a yacht. The “house” is surrounded by railings and elevated by wood panels in the four corners. Lying on the railings are two red torpedo buoys, and by the side of the house (in the sand) there’s a boat and a surfboard with “RESCUE” written all over it. By both sides of this house there is big chunks of grass and in the front there are four red cones with some distance between them. It’s a very beautiful beach with blue, clear water, white clouds and a very bright sunshine. Looks amazing and it makes me think in Puerto Rico!

Marijuana, formal name being Cannabis Sativa; a plant that contains tetrahydracannibinol, more commonly known as THC, the active ingredient which provides an existential like state of cosmic interaction known as being high. 
Since ancient times this drug has been used for recreation, medicine and even religious or spiritual rituals. In the early 20th century cannabis was subjected to legal restrictions for the possession, use, and sale. Although marijuana is currently illegal in most countries of the world, the United Nations has informed that is the most-used illicit drug in the world. This is the reason a debate for legalization started in many countries around the world, even the United States.  On November 6, 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first states in the US to legalize the sale and possession of cannabis for recreational use since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. So' if some states of the United States legalized or decriminalized it, why wouldn't Puerto Rico?
Puerto Rico is in a current debate because a senator wishes to decriminalize the possesion of the drug but not everyone is in favor. There are some factors contributing to this, more like myths... the most heard one is that it's the "gateway drug", its assumed that trying weed increases the probability that users will eventually use "harder" drugs, this is NOT true as there is no evidence to prove it. Also some people catalog marijuana users as "losers" or people that will not become anything in life, this is NOT accurate as any kind of person from homeless people to congressmen have used or are currently using it. We live in a society that has told us these myths since we were kids but this situation is much more complex...
The debate is simple: Stay as we are vs medical legalization only or decriminalization. Many agencies are being part of it, from the Department of Justice to the Administration of mental health. Those in favor of decriminalization (people with 21 years or more, allowed 1 ounce) are because they know the current punitive approach does not address effectively the problem of drug addiction (~2 years in jail for just one cigarette of marijuana) and they are trying to make a civil focus rather than criminal. Also the criminal approach we have now is draining the economy of the country as tax money is destined to keep inmates (for just 1 cigarette) in jail ($ 101 is the daily cost per inmate in Puerto Rico); this money can be allocated elsewhere and the legal sale can generate huge tax revenues as well as wipe out the black market. Those against decriminalization either are with the medical legalization or to stay as we are; medical legalization because it's great for cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, etc. And those against are the ones that believe in the myths, "it's the gateway drug" among others and believe it will be destructive for our society.
I think that the legalization of marijuana cannot be destructive for our society as our society is already destroyed by drugs. My humble opinion can be described in just two words: LEGALIZE IT. It's time to take off the blinders and stop the hypocrisy, I dare to say that 80% of people from 18 to 60 years have used or tried it at least once. It's very hypocritical when a person is against decriminalizing/legalizing something they have done or used when young or wherever. We have to stop trying to ignore the BIG problem this constitutes in our society as the black market is in full force selling, killing, taking control, spreading terror and determining as we live. It's time to stop this and legalization is the only way, the government has tried it many ways for many years and it has not succeeded yet so another approach is necessary! Cannabis is great for medicinal use, it's not addictive like alcohol and nicotine that are legal, and it's natural -fruit of the earth. It's important to stop with the myths, drug users (hard drugs) will still be drug users if marijuana existed or not, so there is no need to make it responsible for people being addicted to heroin, cocaine, meth, etc. I do believe that after legalization there must be education for the upcoming generations about its use, but that's it... that's another story; a very important one as people still don't know that the only way to fix this society is through education. This is the ONE issue that should be addressed as passionately as marijuana legalization. 
PS: The final result of this debate, hahaha... they'll speak and speak and fight and fight, but in the end Puerto Rico will legalize it, either now or in fifty years, it's just the wise decision.